Violators will be towed at their expense.
The reproduction of RV placards and/or admission tickets and wristbands is grounds for immediate revocation and possible prosecution.If several space holders wish to park in such a way as to form a common area in the middle of their spaces, they must be sure to leave a clear opening at least 20’ wide facing the closest roadway for emergency access into the area. If you set up your campsite with an O-shaped configuration you will be asked to break it down and set it up correctly. U-shaped set-ups are acceptable, but anything that is O-shaped is not. County fire marshals prohibit us from allowing closed loops of RVs.SET-UPS THAT ARE LARGER THAN THE DESIGNATED SITE MAY BE REQUIRED TO RELOCATE. PLEASE PARK AT YOUR DESIGNATED SITE ONLY. An RV Infield pass will allow the holder to park ONE self-contained vehicle in the designated area.ALL VEHICLES ARE SUBJECT TO SEARCH AND PERSONAL SCREENING MEASURES BY USE OF METAL DETECTORS WILL BE IN PLACE AT ALL GATE ENTRANCES. ENHANCED SECURITY MEASURES WILL BE IN PLACE AT ALL GATE ENTRANCES.If privileges are revoked, there will be no refunds or exchanges. Vehicles may be removed at the owner’s expense. Violators of camping rules will be removed from the facility. Auto Club Speedway reserves the right to refuse entry of any item deemed inappropriate.Īuto Club Speedway reserves the right to revoke all rights and privileges associated with vehicle passes or infield wristband purchases. Any items left at the gates will be discarded. None of the above restricted items may be left in or around the gate area. Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVS), also known as drones.Foam or hard-sided coolers regardless of size.Displays of the confederate flag will not be allowed.Beach balls, frisbees, balloons, or other projectile toys.Flag poles or sticks (Larger than pencil diameter).Aerosol cans (with the exception of sunscreen, sunblock, hand sanitizer, and bug spray).Laser pointers, noisemakers, and air horns.Glass or ceramic containers of any kind.Wagons, scooters, skateboards, roller skates, bicycles or hoverboards.
Weapons (Firearms, Fixed-Bladed Knives, Folding Knives over 3” Blade).The following items may not enter the admission gates: Pre-packaged and sealed food and beverage items, not including alcoholic beverages per state law.A combination of any of the above mentioned items will be allowed with the exception of the soft sided coolers which will be limited to one cooler per guest.Soft-sided coolers are permitted as long as they do not exceed a maximum size of 14”x14”x14 Backpacks, diaper bags, clutch bags and fanny packs are permitted as long as they do not exceed a maximum size of 18”x18”x14”. A maximum of two (2) bags per person are allowed through admission gates.Strollers (Allowed through gates but not in grandstands).Metal Cups, Insulated Cups, or Thermoses.Sunscreen, sunblock, hand sanitizer, and bug spray (Aerosol, gel, or liquid forms permitted).Service Animals (With proper credentials).Soft Seat Cushions (No hard metal arms or structure).Binoculars, scanners, headsets, & cameras.Fans may enter Auto Club Speedway with the following items: